Good Riddles


Question: I give refuge to the blind and repeat everything they say.

What am I?

... (medium)

Question: A man came to a hotel on a horse. He arrived on Saterday and stayed for one night. he left the hotel on Friday. How is that possible?

Question: A man lived on the 12th floor of a building it was a nice building anyway when he goes to work he gets in the elevator and goes to the bottom floor. When he comes back he goes to the 7th floor and walks the rest. But when there is someone else in the elevator he goes to the 12th and when it is raining why.

Question: You have 3,000 grapes with you. You have to send these grapes to a city which is 1000 km from your farm. These are the rules that you have to follow; ◾Your truck can carry only 1,000 grapes at a time. ◾Every time you travel a kilometer towards the city you have to pay a toll tax of 1 grape. ◾You pay nothing when going in the other direction. (towards your farm) What is highest number of grapes you can get to the city?

Question: What speaks with its ear, listens with its mouth, and has 10 digits but no hands?