Good Riddles


Question: Hold me by the neck and I won't mind,
if I get wrong I just need a good wind.
If you want me you better pick wisely,
just use your ears and I'll follow you blindly.

What am I?

Riddle #319 (medium)

Question: If a mountain climber climbed up a mountain one day from midnight to midnight the next day and does the same thing the following day when coming down the mountain, would there be a time at which he was at the same position on the mountain both day?

I show up (medium)

Question: I climb to the top I dive below I return again For another show.

Riddle #690 (medium)

Question: I go into the water red and come out black.

What am I?

a couple (medium)

Question: There is a couple that is always together. They go anywhere they want to go. They can't be separated. No one can touch them. They are the size of a ping pong ball. What is it?