Hard Riddles and Answers

Restless (medium)

Question: I fly and never rest. What am I?

You and Me (medium)

By Kaio

Question: You and me are the same, you see. So can you see what that makes me similarly?

Together (medium)

By Kaio

Question: Two simple warriors: a vegetable and none. It depends on whether they work together to reduce infinity to one.

The Captor (medium)

By Kaio

Question: I'll capture you, hold you, and to your dismay, drag you thru space and time, all in one day. Move 'cross the globe with a single command, now tell me what I'll subject you to at your demand.

Magic (medium)

Question: I am a thing, when I look at him , he looks at us!! who am I???

Question: What always murmurs but never talks, Always runs but never walks, Has a bed but never sleeps, Has a mouth but never speaks

What am I (medium)

Question: what does 1+1=.

Jelly (medium)

Question: I live in the dark, I have no heart and I'm just like jelly, if you touch me I'll stung you. What am I

Question: I have no heart Yet I can live Even if I have fallen Fires are my enemy You are my enemy

Question: A hill full a hole full you cannot catch a bowl full.