Hard Riddles and Answers


Question: Gabriel cries for months! What could have caused him to cry so?

By Ke20

Question: What is it you like to kill, but actually kills you?

The Water Bet (medium)

Question: Two men walk into a bar. One man has a baseball hat, the other a cowboy hat. The one with the baseball hat walks up the the bartender, and says, "If I can shoot water out of this tube to a cup on the other side of the room, you have to give me a thousand dollars. If I miss, I give you a thousand dollars." The bartender agrees. The baseball hat man puts down a cup and goes to the other side of the room. He shoots water out of the tube, but sprays it everywhere. The bartender is than laughing. However, the baseball hat man is also laughing. The bartender asks, "Why are you laughing?" Why was the baseball hat man laughing?

Question: I am your most powerful weapon; I come before your eyes.. I help you seek the truth, yet I often give you lies. What am I?

Question: A thing which is Live ,as we use it Everyday for watching this Beautiful Nature,and has high auto-focusing strength!!! so what is it??

Question: Everything is what it is not, but everything is not what it is. So what is everything?

Jane Doe (medium)

Question: A woman was born in 1818, she is 23 years old. How is this possible?

Question: What does a TV stand for?

What am I? (medium)

Question: I can fly like a bird not in the sky which can always swim and always dry. I say goodbye at night and morning hi I'm part of you what am I? I follow and lead as you pass. Dress yourself in black my darkness lasts. I flee the light but without the sun. Your view of me would be gone.

What am I? (medium)

Question: I am what men love more than life Fear more than death or mortal strife What dead men have and rich require I'm what contented men desire