12 ratings
0 saves
By Masonk80
Question: Lil Johnny's mom has 4 sons named Nickel, Dime, and Quarter: What is the forth sons name? ( And it's not Penny 'cause that's a girl name.)
12 ratings
0 saves
By King43
Question: You hear it speak, for it has a hard tongue. But it cannot breathe, for it has not a lung. What is it?
12 ratings
0 saves
By nateblast90
Question: I am god to many people despite not being a spirit. I am what people kill over, lust over, and fight over. I am not God or the Devil, but a mere material that people need endlessly. What am I?
66 ratings
1 saves
Question: A baseball pitcher plays during 9 innings, gets 27 strike outs, and only throws 81 pitches. But they still lose 1-0 to the other team.
How is this possible?
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