Good Riddles

Riddle #3333 (medium)

Question: There were 3 men playing on a field playing a game. The guy that had the lowest score won the game. How is this possible?

Money (medium)

Question: What small place has a lot of money?

Riddle #297 (medium)

Question: A box of marbles costs $20. If the marbles are worth $19 more than the box, what is the box worth?

Question: There are 31 horses on a cliff, first they jump into the air, then they come down and stop, then they stand still.

Why do they do this?

The Tide (medium)

By Fred

Question: At low tide 14 rungs of a ship are above the water, the rungs are 15 centimeters apart. each 15 mins the water rises 15 centimeters. after 2 hours and 30 mins how many rungs are above the water?