Good Riddles

The Captor (medium)

By Kaio

Question: I'll capture you, hold you, and to your dismay, drag you thru space and time, all in one day. Move 'cross the globe with a single command, now tell me what I'll subject you to at your demand.

Sneezing nut (medium)

By jena

Question: What sound does a nut make when it sneezes?

g,r,y (medium)

Question: There are three words in the English language that end with the letters 'g', 'r', and 'y'. Two are "hungry" and "angry." The third word is something everyone uses every day. Everyone knows what the third word means. What is the third word?

Swimming! (medium)

Question: 20 people jump into an empty swimming pool but 24 heads come up. How did this happen?

Question: What is as ancient as the earth but new every month?