Funny Jokes


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Joke: A kid from Texas is on the Yale campus for the very first time. He approaches a student and says, "Hey, can you tell me where the library is at?" The Yale student replies "At Yale, we don't end a sentence with a preposition." The kid says, "Sorry about that. Can you tell me where the library is at, jerk?"

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Joke: What kind of car did Jesus drive?

Punch line: A Christler.

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Joke: What two things are parents worried about these days?

Punch line: What their sons download and what their daughters upload.

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Joke: Why did the stoplight turn red?

Punch line: You would turn red too if you were caught changing in the middle of the street.

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Joke: A large man went to the doctor and the doctor told him to lose some weight. The man asked him how. The doctor replies, "Don't eat anything fatty."

The man asks, "You mean like fast food, chips, and cookies?"

The doctor replies, "No, don't eat anything. Fatty!"

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