Short Riddles and Answers

What I am? (medium)

Question: I live with first ones ,they use me well! For the others I am hell! For the third ones I am useless,you can't touch me but you can see me! I am always there within you! Seek for me and and I'm right there! What am I?

Question: I move faster in certain solids, but slower in certain gases. I am typically broken by objects with large masses. I can be used as for pleasure, practice, and even an alarm. If used excessively, I can cause harm. What am I?

A Marble Hall (medium)

Question: In a marble hall as white as milk, Lined with skin as soft as silk, Within a fountain crystal clear, A golden orb does appear, There are no doors to this stronghold, Yet thieves break in and steal the gold. What am I?

Riddle #3 (medium)

Question: A man goes to work taking a very long bus route, transferring to different buses many times. First, he gets on bus number 60, then bus number 12, then bus number 240, then bus number 48. Which two buses would he get on next?

Question: There are 100 coins scattered in a dark room. 90 have heads facing up and 10 are facing tails up. You cannot tell which coins are which. How do you sort the coins into two piles that contain the same number of tails up coins?