Short Riddles and Answers


Question: You have a bag with 'N' strings in it. You randomly grab two ends and tie them together until there are no more loose ends.

In the end, what is the expected number of loops (strings tied to their own end)?

Question: A man runs into a bar and asks for a glass of water. The bartender pulls out a shotgun and yells at him. The man thanks the bartender, then walks out of the bar happily.

Why did the man thank the bartender?

A masterpiece (medium)

Question: I am made throughout the world, I am a masterpiece. And to your ears, I am but a humble feast. I am but a traveler, depicted through paper as a start, I can even be made through the work of your heart. What am I?

Question: A man is found dead in a phone booth in a pool of blood. The glass on either end of the phone booth is broken and the phone is hanging. Just outside of the phone booth is a bucket and a stick.

What happened?

Question: I can be seen, I can be not. Thanks to me, you'll fall in love. I mostly am sweet, but once I were sour. You can receive me, you can't just buy me. You only can send me, or simply share me. What Could I be?