Short Riddles and Answers


Question: A claustrophobic person gets on a train. The train enters a tunnel just as it is leaving the station.

Where is the best place for him to sit?

Question: On 20 planes I may be, but only rest on one you see. I can help you or hurt you, depending on where I lay. Because I am not the kind you use everyday

Riddle (medium)

Question: Fifty is my first, my second is the third in fourth, and my end is the end of an ending. With a nut I become a nut that isn't, and without one I move.

Question: I have two arms, but fingers I have none. I've got two feet, but I cannot run. I carry well, but I carry best with my feet off the ground. What am I?

Question: Fast you travel, but I travel faster. The faster you travel, the further away I get still. Close as you may get, the faster I still will be. What am I?