Hard Riddles and Answers


Question: In Africa, a baby was born - Are the baby's teeth black or white?

Autumn Wear (medium)

Question: What item could not be worn at the Fall Dance?

Question: What did the salt and pepper say about autumn spice.

Autumn Love (medium)

Question: What did the leaves say to the autumn wind?

Question: What did the hang glider say about autumn rock climbing?

Two Heads (medium)

Question: You come to a cross road and see a man with two heads. A sign tells you that one head always tells the truth and the other one always lies. The sign also tells you that one road leads to life and posterity while the other leads to certain death. Now the hard part. You can only ask ONE head ONE question. What do you ask? Which road do you take? Hint: One head knows what the other will tell you.

Question: Can you find the missing number in the below series? 43, 8, 38, 9, 34, 11, _, 14

Question: How is 2+2 four, 3+3 eight, and 7+7 triangle?

Number Series (medium)

Question: Which is the missing number in the below Number Series? 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, ?, 19

Brain teaser (medium)

Question: Which thing that comes once in a year, twice in a week?