Hard Riddles and Answers


Question: What is the only question you can never answer?

Question: There were a group of 6 people outside in front of a store. 3 of them were standing under an umbrella, while the other 3 didn't have anything with them. Who is getting wet?

Question: How does Halloween come before Valentine's day?

Question: If the day before yesterday was the 12th, then what is the day after tomorrow?

riddle (medium)

Question: A chicken gives meat and egg while cow gives us milk. Find another who gives us all these?

Here I come (medium)

Question: I'm one. but I can overcome ten with one swing and a spin . What am I?

logic (medium)

Question: What beats but inflicts no pain?

Question: A dad frog goes ribit and a mom frog goes erbit what does a baby frog make

Question: If there's a pound of lead and feather, which is heavier?

The Parade (medium)

Question: There is a guy in a parade. The crowd says that he has eyes that never blink, but he says he can see them. They also say that he has a mouth that never moves even though he can hear them talk to him. How is this possible?