Hard Riddles and Answers


Question: Eight of us go fourth, not back, to protect our king from an attack. What are we?

Two mothers (medium)

Question: There are two mothers and two daughters. They go to a restaurant and ask for 3 chairs. Why?

Question: They were 3 women coming out of an ice cream shop, one was sucking her ice cream, the other was biting and the other was licking it, who was the married one?

Question: A girl just won volleyball and went home, her mom said, "Good job honey!" What's the girl's name.

Question: When you say my name, I am no longer there. What am I?

Question: You answer me, but I ask you nothing. What am I?

abdullah3231 (medium)

Question: I am duplicate of you, but only lighter. What am I?

abdullah1323 (medium)

Question: What am I ?

Why Did (medium)

Question: Why did the boy throw the butter out the window?

Seven (medium)

Question: How do you make seven even?