Good Riddles


Question: A mother has five daughters, January is the first daughter, February is the second daughter , March is the third daughter, April is the fourth daughter. What is the name of the fifth child

loss (medium)

Question: someone came into my shop and stole 100 dollars from the register without my knowledge. the person came back 5 minutes later with the same 100 dollars and bought 70 dollars in items and i gave him back 30 dollars change. How much did i lose?

Everyone asks (medium)

Question: Everyone asks for me but yet everyone hates to face me ,for someone I am agony for others I am relief! Who am I?

Question: A man was looking at a picture. While staring at the picture he said, brothers and sisters I have none but this man's father is my father's son. Who is in the picture?

Question: Two men were on a ship. They were both facing opposite directions, one facing east and the other facing west. But, they were both seeing each other. *WITHOUT MIRRORS* How is this possible?