Good Riddles


Question: A town only has one barber (he is male). The barber only shaves all of the people who do not shave themselves.

So who shaves the barber?

Riddle #871 (medium)

Question: A very important man is about to take a trip to Iceland. He is awoken in the middle of the night by his security guard the night before he is supposed to leave. His guard tells him he needs to take a boat rather than a plane, because he just dreamt that the plane was going to crash. The guard leaves because it's the end of his shift.

The man listens to his guard and takes a boat. Soon after arriving in Iceland he hears that the plane he was supposed to go on crashed. When he arrives home he fires his guard.


Question: The more you work, the more I'll eat.You keep me full, I'll keep you neat. What am I?

Question: I have eight to spare and am covered with hair.

What am I?

DB Riddles (medium)

Question: Red man tickle black man butt and white man jump on top.