Good Riddles

Riddle #364 (medium)

Question: A group of ten people are going out for pizza but only two of them have an umbrella to keep them dry. But they manage to walk all the way to the pizza place without getting wet.

How is this possible?

Riddle time (medium)

Question: I am something, a lot of people don't like me, including you,but I'm called upon anytime one is injured. I like playing with pregnant women, I'm a 5 letter word, and if my last letter is put before first letter, I become a name of a country, WHAT AM I? IF U GET THIS, U'RE INDEED A GENIUS.

Riddle #1181 (medium)

Question: It turns into a different story.

What is it?

Riddle #87 (medium)

Question: A man committed suicide in a room with nothing but a chandelier and the rope that he hung from. There is a puddle of water under him. How did he commit suicide without anyone helping him?

Riddle #585 (medium)

Question: What always eats but is always hungry?