Good Riddles

The lake (medium)

Question: Mary Jane is stranded on a deserted island in the middle of a huge and deep lake. She cannot swim and all she has is two strings that are each one foot long. All of the boats that she would be able to use are docked at the shore 4 miles away from her. 2 hours later, she is on the shore of the lake. How did she get across the lake?

Question: If a man has 10 birds and he sells them for 80 chicks each, how many chicks does he have?

......... (medium)

Question: What is black white black white black white black white?

Direction (medium)

Question: You look east you look west your looking in both directions at the same time because there's a star you must reach. What are you actually doing?

long.. (medium)

Question: which is the longest word in the dictionary?