Good Riddles

Riddle (easy) (medium)

Question: i can fill up the entire room and still not take up any space. Who am i?

Question: A man who couldn't speak went into a store to buy a toothbrush. He pretended to brush his teeth with his finger to tell the cashier what he wanted. The cashier understood and the man went home with the toothbrush. Then, a blind man came into the store wanting to buy sunglasses. How could he tell the cashier he wanted sunglasses?

numbers (medium)

Question: why is six scared of nine

What is it ? (medium)

Question: You can find them on plants. One is for music. Most have two. Someone may ask you for yours. Politely, you lend yours to another. Only if you are good you can play by it.

Question: Round like a apple deep like a cup yet all the kings horses can’t pull it up.