Good Riddles

Riddle #96 (medium)

Question: I talk, but I do not speak my mind
I hear words, but I do not listen to thoughts
When I wake, all see me
When I sleep, all hear me
Many heads are on my shoulders
Many hands are at my feet
The strongest steel cannot break my visage
But the softest whisper can destroy me
The quietest whimper can be heard.

Riddle #201 (medium)


Look at my apple, keep me near.

Listen closely, I'll put worms in your ear.


What am I?

Riddle #910 (medium)

Question: 7 frogs are sitting on a log. 1 of them decides to jump off of the log. At this moment how many frogs are on the log?

Question: What has feet and legs, but nothing else?

Question: I'm measured in temperature and time, but have neither.

What am I?