Good Riddles

What Am I? (medium)

Question: Men are just as small as stars to me but men can see me while the stars cannot. I am a reflection of the ocean and fire but never earth though without an earth you cannot have me.

Brick (medium)

Question: How much does the brick weigh if a brick weighs 1kg plus a half brick?

how (medium)

Question: a mans car gets stolen but all the windows are up and the doors are locked there is no holes or breaks in the car how does it get stolen?

Riddle #771 (medium)

Question: Ripped from my ancestors home, beaten and burned, I become a bloodthirsty killer.

What am I?

Question: Tall as a tree, dressed in white, my bridal veil is shiny bright Up all night, never sleeping: if i rest, many are weeping. Upon the shores since the days of old, my silent message what am i?