Good Riddles

Riddle #181 (medium)

Question: Thirty white horses stand on a red hill,
First they champ,
Then they stamp,
Then they stand still.

What are they?

Question: Before man discovered Mt. Everest, what was the tallest mountain in the world?

Riddle #259 (medium)

Question: If you have a rope around a soccer ball and the moon, which rope would have to increase in length more to create a one meter gap between the rope and the soccer ball/moon?

Question: There are 3 men, two Chimps, and one Gorilla on one side of a river:

  • They have a boat but only the men and the Gorilla can row the boat across, so there must always be a human and/or Gorilla on the boat.
  • The boat can only carry two people/monkeys.
  • If monkeys and humans are together on one side of the river there must be as many or more people than monkeys for the men's safety.
How can all men and monkeys make it to the other side?

Riddle #1247 (medium)

Question: You bury me when I'm alive,
and dig me up only when I die.

What am I?