Good Riddles

Riddle #3169 (medium)

Question: When you say my name, I am no longer there. What am I?

Question: 1 11 21 1211 111221 312211 13112221 1113213211 what comes next?

Question: I work in a battle of wits. The battle is again with only two while an army each has. Each must take a turn in stratagem but to win the leader must die. What am I?

random riddle (medium)

Question: what makes a snap sound and capture the happy moments of you ?

Riddle #1816 (medium)

Question: Looking at my face, I'm no more than six.
Look at the rest of me and I'm 21.
You'll see my twin and me in Las Vegas.
Say my name and you'd be uttering a threat.

What am I?