Good Riddles

Strategic (medium)

Question: A girl went to school, and her teacher asked her how old she was. Girl: I don't know, but I know I'm half my mother's age Teacher: how old is your mother Girl: I don't know, but she is 5 years younger than my dad Teacher: how old is your dad Girl: I don't know, but if you add all our ages, they count up to 100. How old is the girl, mother, and dad?

3 houses (medium)

Question: there are 3 houses. a brown house a green house and white house. if the green house is in front of the brown house. and the brown house is in the back of the green house, Where is the white house?

Riddle (medium)

Question: What goes up AND comes down?

Question: We are just like people. We grow, we get old, we die off. We come in many different colors. Black, white, brown. We come in a army, there are thousands of us, yet we have no war. But we will still die off over the years. What am I?

Question: You are a cowboy. The cowboy is riding bareback on a paint horse. The horse falls down breaking its leg. The sun is setting quickly and the nearest house is 3 miles away. The chance of rain that night is at 75% The chance of snow is 33% What color is the Cowboys hair?