Good Riddles


Question: You can call me a home, but I have no doors.
Someone lives inside me, but leaves when there's no more.

What am I?

Question: I'm not a pool, a tree, a slave, a website, or a shirt.

What am I?

Question: What goes up with the intention of falling down?

Question: Who hunts in a crowd, who hides in plain sight, who do you trust even though you don't know him?

Riddle #271 (medium)

Question: In a certain society any time somebody commits a serious crime they must be shot at twice with a 6 bullet revolver. The revolver only has two bullets in it though, both of them right next to each other. They spin the revolver once and shoot the gun. If there was no bullet in that chamber they give the prisoner the option to either spin the chamber again or just shoot again. If the first shot is a blank, should the prisoner ask for the revolver to be spun or should they choose that it be shot again?