Good Riddles

random riddle (medium)

Question: what is small but can save things that do not weight anything in it?

magic owl (medium)

Question: what do you call a magic owl

St Ivor (medium)

Question: I was going to St. Ivor when I came across a man with 7 wives and the wives had 7 sacks and in those 7 sacks were 7 kittens and with those kittens were 7 kits. How many went to St. Ivor?

Riddle #3293 (medium)

Question: What is it that can get served but can't get eaten?

Question: Disgusting and small, we wriggle through your halls, devouring books, cloths and walls. Alone we are feeble, together we have some might, glinting in our damp holes at night. What are we?