Question: What two letters can spell the word candy?

Riddle #370 (medium)

Question: There are several books on a bookshelf. If one book is the 4th from the left and 6th from the right, how many books are on the shelf?

Riddle #826 (medium)

Question: Jasmine has a toaster with two slots that toasts one side of each piece of bread at a time, and it takes one minute to do so.

If she wants to make 3 pieces of toast, what is the least amount of time she needs to toast them on both sides?

Riddle #86 (medium)

Question: A blue man lives in a blue house. A green man lives in a green house. Who lives in the white house?

Riddle #317 (medium)

Question: I do not eat food. But I do enjoy a light meal everyday.

What am I?