What Am I Riddles



Look at my apple, keep me near.

Listen closely, I'll put worms in your ear.


What am I?

Question: The first is a sign of something good,
the second says whereto;
the third is vulgar and mean,
the fourth is bound by a ring;
the fifth is the noble one.
Together they all drum.

What are they?

Question: My name can have any letter of the alphabet, but I always have 2 X's.

What am I?

Question: I live above a star, but I do not burn.
I have 11 friends, but they do not turn.
I am visited in sequence: never, once, or repeatedly.
My initials are PQRS.

Now tell me, what do I mean?

What am I? (medium)

Question: Six squares and a straight line, I can tell you anything; from what's thine to what's divine.