What Am I Riddles


Question: I'm number three.
But I'm not a number.
I'm hot and cold at the same moment but not at the same time.
I'm number three.
But I'm not a number.

Who or what am I?

Question: I had a bright start,
but I couldn't take the pressure.
I consume everything,
yet I don't eat anything.
What am I?

Question: I can be cracked, I can be made. I can be told, I can be played.

What am I?

Question: I can be thin but not fat, In your body but never on your placemat.I'm always better when I'm fresh,but you'll never see me in the flesh.What am I?

Question: You struggle to regain me.
When I'm lost, you struggle to obtain me.
I pass no matter your will,
but I'm your slave to kill.
What am I?