Math Riddles


Question: There are 1600 people sitting around a circular table. The first person (person 1) has a sword and kills the second person then hands it to the next alive person (in this case person 3). Person 3 stabs person 4 and gives the sword to person 5. This goes on until person 1499 kills person 1500. Then person 1 kills person 3 and so on. This is repeated until there is only a single person remaining.

Who remains in the end?

School (medium)

Question: Nathan has math 4 times a week. If he has math 8:00 Monday, 9:20 on Tuesday, 10:40 on Wednesday, and 1:20 on Friday, when does Nathan have math on Thursday?

Question: Does a ton of feathers or a ton of bricks weigh more?

Question: Use the numbers 2, 3, 4 and 5 and the symbols + and = to make a true equation.

Note: Each must be used exactly once and no other numbers or symbols can be used.

Troll bridge (medium)

Question: You're going to a friends house and want to give them some brownies. On the way to their house you cross 5 bridges. At each bridge you must pay a toll of half of your brownies to the owner. But they are all very nice and give you back a brownie from what you give them.

How many brownies must you start with to give your friend 2 brownies?