Math Riddles


Question: A deaf and mute man goes to the train station. Tickets for the train are 50 cents each. The man goes to the ticket booth and hands the man inside just a dollar. The man in the booth hands him two tickets.

How did the man in the booth know to give him two tickets without even looking at him?

Question: If you toss a coin ten times and it lands heads up every time, what are the chances it will land heads up if you toss it again?

Question: How many people do you need to have the odds be in favor (at least 50% chance) of two people having the same birthday?

Question: You have a cube made of 10 x 10 x 10 smaller cubes, for a total of 1000 smaller cubes. If you take off 1 layer of cubes, how many remain?

By David Pleacher

Question: Does an ounce of gold or an ounce of feathers weight more?