Logic Riddles


Question: Does England have a 4th of July?

A Marble Hall (medium)

Question: In a marble hall as white as milk, Lined with skin as soft as silk, Within a fountain crystal clear, A golden orb does appear, There are no doors to this stronghold, Yet thieves break in and steal the gold. What am I?

The 6 sisters (medium)

Question: There are 6 sisters. Each sister has 1 brother. How many brothers are in the sisters' family?

School (medium)

Question: Nathan has math 4 times a week. If he has math 8:00 Monday, 9:20 on Tuesday, 10:40 on Wednesday, and 1:20 on Friday, when does Nathan have math on Thursday?

By Bist

Question: Having one, means having something to follow. Once you question it, it means having none. People seek it, but some do and some don't find it. What is it?