Kids Riddles


Question: Little Johnny's teacher asks him, "If I gave you two cats, then two more, and two more cats; how many would you have?"

Little Johnny replies, "Seven!"

His teacher asks him again more slowly, "If I gave you two cats, then two more, and two more cats; how many would you have?"

But again Little Johnny replies, "Seven!"

Next she asks, "If I get two cats, then two more, and two more cats; how many would I have?"

Little Johnny replies, "Six!"

"Good Job Johnny! Now if I gave you two cats, then two more, and two more cats; how many would you have?"

Johnny thinks for a second, "Seven."

But Johnny is not wrong. Why?

Question: My shallow hills are the faces of kings.
My horizon is always near.
My music sends men to the grave.
My absence sends men to work.

What am I?

Question: What loses its head in the morning and gets it back at night?

Question: What jumps higher than a building?

Question: A man and his boss have the same parents, but are not siblings. How is this possible?