Best Riddles and Answers

Hard one (medium)

Question: I died a death that no one has ever died and my grave is in every grocery store.

12:00 T (medium)

Question: 12:00 T what does this stand for?

Question: You have 7 oranges on a plate, and there are 7 children. After you give 1 orange to each child, there is still 1 orange left on the plate. How is this possible? Source:

Question: I fasten to walk,
and unfasten to stop.

What am I?

Age (medium)

Question: A son's age is the age of his dad's age's digits added together. The son is not nine or older. The dad is of legal age. The dad's age doesn’t end in a zero, and is more than twenty, but less than twenty-five. How old is the dad, and how old is the son?