Best Riddles and Answers


Question: If you're in 3rd place and you passed the person in 2nd, what place are you in?

Question: I make up all literature, but I'm often sealed.

What am I?

Doctor (medium)

Question: A dad and his son were riding their bikes and crashed.They were carried to hospitals.And the doctor who looked the son told "i will rescue u because u r my son.How is this possible?

Animal Party (medium)

Question: How do you put a giraffe in a fridge? Put it in and shut the door. How do you put a elephant in a fridge? Take the giraffe out and put the elephant in. There's this animal party all animals are there besides for one what animal is not?

What am I ? (medium)

By debs

Question: I'm a thing and I touch my mother before I die. What am I ?