Best Riddles and Answers

Heavyweight (medium)

By jena

Question: What is only a small box but can weigh over a hundred pounds?

Question: Looking at my face, I'm no more than six.
Look at the rest of me and I'm 21.
You'll see my twin and me in Las Vegas.
Say my name and you'd be uttering a threat.

What am I?

Mom and Dad (medium)

Question: Mom and Dad had four girls. Each girl had one brother. How many people are in the family?

Question: A criminal is brought into a prison for major crimes. The warden informs him that he will be shot in the middle of the prison by 20 of his men. The prisoner is fine with that but he asks for some conditions "All of your men must stand 20 feet away from me and I must be able to select where each of them stands. If I survive, I get to leave."

The warden thinks about it and knows that all of his men will still have an open shot at the criminal, so he agrees.

The next day immediately after the firing squad is positioned the criminal walks out untouched. How did he do it?

Question: Queens can move horizontally, vertically and diagonally any number of spaces as illustrated. One piece 'attacks' another if it moves to the same tile that the other piece is on. How can you arrange eight queens on the board so they cannot attack each other?