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Joke: How do you know the toothbrush was invented in Alabama?

Punch line: Anyone else would have called it a teethbrush.

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Joke: Why should you never masturbate on an airplane?

Punch line: They take high jacking very seriously.

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Joke: Tom and Jenna have been having problems in bed so Jenna confides in one of her friends, Sally. Sally tells Jenna, "You should go see my sex therapist. Me and John were having issues and he told us to buy donuts and grapes. I eat the doughnut off of John's penis and he uses his tongue to eat the grapes out of me. Ever since, our sex life has been better than ever."

So Tom and Jenna go to see the sex therapist. When they arrive the secretary tells them to strip down and wait in his office. When the therapist arrives he turns around and tells them, "I can't help you."

Jenna yells back, "Wait! Can't you just give us the same advice you gave John and Sally?"

He says, "Okay, on your way home buy some life savers and a coconut."

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Joke: What do you call it when Batman leaves church early?

Punch line: Christian Bale!

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Joke: Why was the ink blot sad?

Punch line: His father was in the pen and he had no idea how long the sentence was going to be.

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Joke: What does an elderly man have in common with a line of rabbits walking backwards?

Punch line: Receding hairline!

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