Who stole the $100,000 riddle

Question: A man leaves a $100,000 dollar bill on his desk and leaves work. When he returns the money is gone. He has three suspects: the cook, the cleaning lady, and the mail guy. The cook says he put the money under a book on his desk to keep it safe. They check and it is no longer there. The maid says she moved it when she was cleaning to the inside of the book between page 1 and 2. They open the book and look between page number 1 and 2 but it isn't there. The mail guy says he saw it sticking out of the book and to keep it safe he moved it to between page number 2 and 3. Once they are done the culprit is promptly arrested.Who did it and how did he know?

Riddle Discussion

By: Theriddler987 on 17/7/15

After looking at other people's answers I would have to say everyone. First off $100,000 dollar bills don't really exist even if gandalf says so. So the man because he had counterfeited money. I would also have to say the cook because he should have never taken the money off the mans desk even to keep it safe. I would have to say the cleaning lady because page one and two could have been on opposite sides of the same page so that would mean she lied and the money could not have been put in between those two pages. lastly I would also have to agree with Jennavieve on saying the mail man should NOT have even been in the house so that was a crime by itself and if pages two and three were on opposite side of the paper the mail man lied and the cleaning lady told the truth. Plus if pages two and three were one the opposite side of the paper the bill could not have been hidden there in the first place. The bill could not be hidden in a piece of paper that wasn't folded. Also the riddle never says they checked in between pages two and three so that is all the more reason it was the mail man, he lied, and pages two and three were on opposite sides of the paper. But I still say it could be everyone and those are my reasons why.

By: Soccer12333 on 28/4/15

But anyway, the riddle states they actually looked between pages one and two, meaning they were on opposing pages. A riddle can not lie, for no one with common since would be able to answer it.

By: spikerlj on 30/1/15

Most books have Page 1 and Page 2 on the same paper. So I believe that the maid lied, because the 2&3 are always on opposing pages. The mail man saw the check sticking out of the book and placed it between pages 2 & 3.

By: gandalf on 31/7/14

Right in the riddle it says they check between 1 and 2, so that means the book exists as such. With pages 1 and 2 on different pieces of paper while 2 and 3 are on opposite sides of the same piece of paper.

By: Jennavieve on 29/7/14

I have at least one book right in front of me where pages 1 and 2 are on opposite sides of the same paper which would mean that the maid was the guilty party for that book. So I think this riddle is actually flawed. In any case, I'd still peg the mail man as the guilty party because he doesn't belong inside the house in the first place.

By: nmbelanger on 30/7/14

I agree with you

By: kiddgee980 on 24/7/14

There are is no page 1 in books.

By: gandalf on 31/7/14

Many books do have page 1

By: Bandanaman on 26/6/14

The man is arrested for counterfeiting money since there are no $100,000 bills.

By: gandalf on 27/6/14

They do exist in American dollars, they are just used in banks. Also, the riddle could be referring to a Zimbabwe bank note.

By: AryanS15 on 20/6/14

pages 2 and 3 of every book are printed on each side of the same paper

By: Soccer12333 on 28/4/15

Not every book

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