What month do people sleep the least

Question: During what month do people sleep the least?

Riddle Discussion

By: Theriddler987 on 9/7/15

February is the most common answer because it only has 28 day but every four years it has 29 days and all the other months have 30 or 31 days but really it depends on how long you sleep every night or day

By: Bandanaman on 3/8/14

The reasoning behind February being the month when people sleep the least is decent, but people would only have to sleep an average of just under 7% less per day in any other month to compensate, or about half an hour with the average 7-8 hour night. This is feasible in summer months when people are up later due to light lasting longer, as well as up earlier for the same reason. Also, students will sleep considerably less in months with large tests and papers due to pulling all nighters.

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