Riddle #454

By David Pleacher

Question: Does a pound of gold or a pound of feathers weight more?

Origin: http://www.pleacher.com/mp/mhumor/riddles.html

Riddle Discussion

By: LivMoox on 10/10/19

Shouldn't it not matter? It says they're both 1 pound

By: nashlover007 on 13/6/16

there both 1 pound

By: deaththreats1 on 27/2/16

The feathers weigh more

By: Extrementality on 21/1/16

you said pound not troy pound,its like saying a kilo of gold or kilo of feathers

By: RiditMan on 23/12/15

They weigh the same, they are both one pound!

By: rafina147 on 25/9/15

this is a math riddle?

By: deyanz on 31/7/15

If you are saying is a pound, it does not matter what do you have is always going to be the same weight. 1 Pound is = always 1 pound ... period

By: AurorHeart29233 on 9/7/15

The answer to this riddle is: they both weigh the same\n

By: Soraphis on 8/5/15

why should this be a logic riddle? its just trolling with way of how substances are measured. pound is defined by kilograms and as that its a unit for a mass of an object, which has nothing to do with a way of measurement. But with pound theres a problem, because there are multiple different definitions, but without being specific you can't use two different with just saying pound. btw metric system ftw

By: Druxe on 10/11/14

This is ridiculous. Density.\n\nWe would've learned this in school, or at least heard of it by now.

By: gandalf on 10/11/14

It's about the standards of measurement for each. A pound of gold means something different than a pound of feathers. Nothing to do with density.

By: MikeHolmes on 19/9/14

both weight equal, b'cz we're taking 1 pound each.

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