23 ratings
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By Ro Lander
Question: Your friend is OCD and has to have things in a particular way. She even labels her socks so that the sock for the left foot will always be worn on the left foot and vice versa. Why did she lace her left shoe with a brown lace and the right one with a green lace?
34 ratings
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By Bist
Question: People see through me, but none pass through without killing me. I can be anywhere, and can be seen double or single. What am I?
7 ratings
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Question: Which thing that comes once in a year, twice in a week?
10 ratings
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By AnaRose
Question: You are trying to get your chicken, fox, and wheat to the barn. However, the barn is on the other side of the river. You are on a boat and can only transport one animal or wheat at a time. You must choose carefully not to leave the wrong two together, though. It's either the fox will eat the chicken or the chicken will eat the wheat. How do you take each thing across safely?
2092 ratings
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Question: During what month do people sleep the least?