Riddle #255

Question: If you have a cake, how many pieces of cake can you form with 3 straight cuts?

Riddle Discussion

By: MrMan on 27/7/14

No, the answer 8 is wrong. If you cut the cake in 4 pieces, you got something like an X (or an O with an X over it). But you can´t cut all of these four pieces in half with only one cut. You can slice three of them by cutting a horizontally above the middle, but you can´t cut all four.\n\nIf you want a formula for this problem it is (1+2+3+...+n)+1 for n-lines.\nFor example with three lines: (3+2+1)+1=7 (not eight).\nOr with four lines: (4+3+2+1)+1=11. \nYou can try this if you draw your cake (or you bake one :-) ) and try to cut eight pieces, but it won´t work.

By: MrMan on 27/7/14

If you have a cake,

By: angelakazel on 4/1/14

this makes no sense to me, even how they explained it, there would still be 6 pieces, right?\n

By: gandalf on 4/1/14

No, if you cut it into four pieces. Then cut it horizontally (cutting each of these 4 pieces into 2 pieces), then 4 * 2 = 8 pieces. The final cut isn't conventional but still follows the rules.

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