What kind of room has no doors or windows

Question: What kind of room has no doors or windows?

Riddle Discussion

By: RiddlezRLGrech on 26/7/16

Padded cell. Lol

By: Yaya on 1/6/15

A Mushroom!

By: TheShadowRider14 on 27/11/14

A chat room.

By: TheRiddler123 on 9/2/16

Yeah that works also

By: TheRiddler123 on 9/2/16

Yeah that works also

By: TheRiddler123 on 9/2/16

Yeah that works also

By: TheRiddler123 on 9/2/16

Yeah that works also

By: TheRiddler123 on 9/2/16

Idk why it copied 4 times xD

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