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By lukwago
Question: there was a man who wanted to treat his son he went to the doctor and the doctor told him that he need to get 1 orange in order to cure his son on the the same village where the man was staying there where no any single orange, so the man tried to another village when the man reached another village he saw millions of oranges in the garden when he reached the entry he realised that this garden had for 4 gates and each gate had a gatekeeper so when ever he could pass by each gate keeper they where telling him that whichever organges he bring ,they should share in between. so how many oranges did the man come out with from the garden to share with the gatekeepers and remained with 1 orange to cure his son?
19 ratings
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By Voodude
Question: A man and his wife live I a nice cottage in a village near the lake. One day, they were rowing a boat when he wife fell in and the husband went in to get her out but all he could feel were plants, moss, and rocks. Two weeks after the funeral, the man was walking around the lake when he started talking to a new neighbor when the fisherman said some interesting facts. Fisherman: I haven't caught anything today. Maybe because of the fact this lake has no kelp what so ever. Mrs. Montoya was telling me about it yesterday. I always catch fish when there is kelp in a lake or pond. That is just rotten ain't it? The husband said goodbye to the neighbor and went inside and killed himself. Why is this?
120 ratings
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By JokeLikeMe
Question: Alex was the strongest man in the world. He can lift up something that weighs 1000 kg easily. He can even pick up five women at once without any pain. But one day, there was a Weight Lifting Challenge Show. All the top 5 strongest man entered including Alex. The challenge is that they each have to lift up a really heavy object which weighs 1005 kg for five minutes. The winner is who didn’t drop it until it reached the time. If they all did it, the judges will decide to give first place to a person who can lift it up easily and stand still with no trouble looking. If Alex was the strongest man, he’ll probably come first. But he came second instead when the challenge was over. Why?
49 ratings
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Question: Little Johnny's teacher asks him, "If I gave you two cats, then two more, and two more cats; how many would you have?"
Little Johnny replies, "Seven!"
His teacher asks him again more slowly, "If I gave you two cats, then two more, and two more cats; how many would you have?"
But again Little Johnny replies, "Seven!"
Next she asks, "If I get two cats, then two more, and two more cats; how many would I have?"
Little Johnny replies, "Six!"
"Good Job Johnny! Now if I gave you two cats, then two more, and two more cats; how many would you have?"
Johnny thinks for a second, "Seven."
But Johnny is not wrong. Why?
19 ratings
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Question: Your friend tells you about a story he once tried to impress a young lady with, but instead got a slap in the face. He wants you to attempt to see the flaw: It was a hot and windless day, in our bunker, when suddenly one of ours yelled: "Enemy!" We opened fire on them, leaving one hundred of them dead before they retreated. I was checking a dead captain's glasses when the shout came that they were incoming again, and the CO ordered us to open up on them with our mortars, when I yelled: "Cease fire! They're Americans!" Later, an American colonel thanked me for my work after I said that I saw their flag, waving back and forth in the wind. What is wrong with this story?
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