17 ratings
1 saves
By Lilylayden
Question: A king and I queen wanted to have a private party with only people that they knew. They decided to make a password to get into the part. On the day of the party a man who wasn't invited wanted to get into the party so he paid attention to what the people with the passwords were saying. Guard: cow Person: farm *next person* Guard: wolf Person: woods *next person* Guard: fish Person: water The intruder thought he had the password so when the guard said... Guard: bird Intruder: tree He was thrown out of the party, why? What could have he used for the password?
230 ratings
12 saves
Question: In an apartment complex in New York there are one hundred married couples. When one of the husbands cheats on his wife with one of the other wives, his wife has no idea. With the large amount of gossip in the complex, all of the other wives know he is cheating. If a wife finds out that her husband is cheating on her, she kills him the following morning. Someone anonymously sends an email to all of the wives in the building saying that at least 1 man is cheating on his wife in the building.
How many husbands will be killed and how long will it take?
69 ratings
7 saves
Question: There are 100 prisoners lining up to go to jail. Each prisoner is wearing a hat that is either black or white. The prisoners don't know their own hat color, just the hat color of those in front of them in line (the first prisoner in line can't see anyone's hat and the last prisoner can see everyone's hat except their own). Starting from the back, one of the guards asks each prisoner what color their hat is. If they are correct they get to go free but if they are wrong they go to jail.If the prisoners get to discuss a plan, how can at least 99 of them be saved?
207 ratings
22 saves
Question: Four people need to cross a bridge in 17 minutes in the middle of the night. The bridge can only hold two or less people at any time and they only have one flashlight so they must travel together (or alone). The flashlight can only travel with a person so every time it crosses the bridge it must be carried back. Tom can cross in 1 minute, John can cross in 2 minutes, Sally can cross in 5 minutes, and Connor can cross in 10 minutes. If two people cross together they go as fast as the slower person.How can they cross the bridge in 17 minutes or less?
512 ratings
75 saves
By IamTHEbest
Question: A poor man is sitting in a pub. He sees that the man next to him is extremely rich.
Poor man: I have an amazing talent; I know almost every song that has ever existed.
The rich man laughs.
Poor man: I am willing to bet you all the money you have in your wallet that I can sing a popular song that includes a lady's name of your choosing.
The rich man laughs again.
Rich man: OK, how about my daughter's name, Joanna Armstrong-Miller?
The poor man goes home rich.
What song did he sing?
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