Good Riddles


Question: There are three doors: First door~ all kinds of snake will strike you once you've entered this door. Second door~ about thousands of skillful assassins are waiting in this door. Once you've entered, they will attack you to death until there are no bones left. 3rd door~ a desert, you will be die any minutes. Because there's no water (exhaustion) and from extreme the heat of the sun. Which door would you choose? Which door you think that is safe to enter???

What am I (medium)

Question: From a Bishop to a redhead Or an elf to an Inca From solitary to shy From green to purple Or Garnet to wood From glossy to magnificent Even a fish to a rhinoceros.... What are they?

Riddle (medium)

Question: I can be curved or straight And have many legs But with four letters less I am exactly the same What am I?(5 letters)

riddle #1 (medium)

Question: You use me. I keep you neat. Every once in a while you empty me out. What am i?

Question: Tommy is in a cave. He stops to find two tunnels. There is a guard before each tunnel. Tommy knows two things: 1. One tunnel leads to the fields of punishment and the other fields of rewards 2. One guard always lies and the other always tells the truth. Tommy can only ask one yes or no question to either one of the guards. The tunnels and guards look exactly the same. What question can Tommy ask to get to the fields of rewards and not death?