Good Riddles

First riddle (medium)

Question: Of the god’s own sorrow and tears i can create life. Then i provide my creation with fire to allow for growth and prosperity. But the vengeance of the gods is due and I will surely fall. In the coldness of the night, the life I created only finds death. what am i?

the bag (medium)

By Rosy

Question: You have bag, you put a lump of metal into the bag, then you put a lama into the bag, then you put something else into the bag, and yet the bag weighs nothing. Why?

Question: There are three doors: First door~ all kinds of snake will strike you once you've entered this door. Second door~ about thousands of skillful assassins are waiting in this door. Once you've entered, they will attack you to death until there are no bones left. 3rd door~ a desert, you will be die any minutes. Because there's no water (exhaustion) and from extreme the heat of the sun. Which door would you choose? Which door you think that is safe to enter???

Venom (medium)

Question: A man obtains a vial of the deadliest venom on earth. A single drop could kill a fully-grown man within seconds. He drinks the entire vial and after a minute, he is not harmed. How did he do it?

The King (medium)

Question: The King and A Butler walk into a room, they lock all the doors behind them, the room has no windows. A night passes and the next day 3 people walk out of the room, Who is the 3rd person?