Good Riddles


Question: You are driving and come to a fork in the road. You need to get to New York City. The roads do not have signs, no one is there to tell you which road you need to take, and you can't turn back and take the other road if you take the wrong one the first time. You can not turn around a go a different way. If you randomly choose a road to take how will you know you are choosing the correct road before you take it? What is the chance you will take the correct road?

The pool (medium)

Question: 20 kids go inside the pool and 20 for heads come out

Sad firefly (medium)

By jena

Question: Why was the mother firefly unhappy?

Hard one (medium)

Question: I died a death that no one has ever died and my grave is in every grocery store.

What is it ? (medium)

Question: You can find them on plants. One is for music. Most have two. Someone may ask you for yours. Politely, you lend yours to another. Only if you are good you can play by it.