Good Riddles

Riddle #419 (medium)

Question: An apple tree has apples on it. A storm comes through and there is no longer apples on the tree. But there isn't apples on the ground either.

How can this be so?

Question: A criminal is brought into a prison for major crimes. The warden informs him that he will be shot in the middle of the prison by 20 of his men. The prisoner is fine with that but he asks for some conditions "All of your men must stand 20 feet away from me and I must be able to select where each of them stands. If I survive, I get to leave."

The warden thinks about it and knows that all of his men will still have an open shot at the criminal, so he agrees.

The next day immediately after the firing squad is positioned the criminal walks out untouched. How did he do it?

Question: How do you make the number one disappear by adding to it?

Question: I'm tall when I'm young and I'm short when I'm old.What am I?

Riddle #414 (medium)

Question: A man is at work when he turns off the light and falls asleep. When he wakes up he discovers that lots of people have died.

What is his profession?