Good Riddles

riddle #2 (medium)

Question: 1 is 3, 3 is 5, 5 is 4, 4 is universal. 2 is 3, 3 is 5, 5 is 4, 4 is universal... how is this possible? (What is the rule to this sequence of numbers?)

Quacker (medium)

Question: What looks like a duck but is red?

Might be Hard (medium)

Question: Sailing CCCCCCC

Question: 1. A bat and a ball cast $1.10 cents in total. The bat costs one dollar more than the ball. How much does the ball cost? 2. If five machines made five gadgets in five minutes, how much time would it take for 100 machines to make 100 gadgets? 3. The was a lake, it was full with lily pads, each day the lily pads doubled in size, it took 48 days for the lily pads to cover all of the lake how long would it take for the lily pads to cover half of the lake?

Hard (medium)

Question: There was a man who wanted to jump in a pool but there was a formation of ice on the surface of the water.Sunlight gleamed and reflected onto the surroundings.You have rope and a deluxe collection of chocolates.A lifeguard is sitting asleep nearby and has a cellphone in his pocket.There are three kids sitting gloomily at the edge of the pool.There is 10 mins for the pool to close.A family nearby is having a picnic with a lot of chili to spare and there are blue fishes in a nearby lake.The temperature is -10C if the man does not heat himself in 3 mins, he will die of hypothermia.How does the man get into the water?